Great coaches offer support to staff, while also setting challenges to help them reach new levels in their career.

Mentors provide guidance, offer wisdom and share advice when it is needed.

Understanding how to form these relationships is an essential skill that can benefit both senior and junior team members, with the flow on effect being a better performing workplace and business.

This course teaches the fundamentals of being a coach or mentor, giving experienced staff the opportunity to bring out the best in staff who are entering the workforce or looking to grow their careers.

Zein's style of delivery is interactive, engaging and fun. We encourage participation to make the training dynamic and enjoyable for all attendees.


Zein Coaching and Mentoring course is tailored to meet your company’s unique situation and goals. Each course will vary due to your circumstances but will likely include some of the following topics and material:

  • The role coaching and mentoring have to play in a team of any size, and the skills involved with being a good coach
  • Coaching and mentoring to improve the performance of individuals at any level within the business
  • The importance of interpersonal communication skills when it comes to coaching and mentoring for positive results
  • The difference learning styles of the team members you will coach or mentor
  • How to recognise strengths and give effective feedback to younger or less experienced team members<
  • Dealing with coaching problems while still achieving positive outcomes for all
  • Providing guidance to rectify incorrect behaviour amongst team members without losing them as part of the team


Although primarily aimed at senior staff, Zein's Coaching and Mentoring program is useful for anyone who has strong experience within your industry or workplace. Customer feedback have told us that Coaching and Mentoring is beneficial threefold: for the attendees, the organisation and ultimately, the customer.

Employees who will find the course content helpful include:

  • Team leaders, supervisors and managers
  • Senior staff members
  • Your Executive team

As your course is unique to your company, we tailor it to the appropriate level and audience relevance. Just tell us your requirements.


Our courses are typically ‘hands-on’, so we suggest keeping numbers to a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 people. This allows our trainer to interact with your entire group yet still have enough time to allow for one-to-one interactions.

If your group exceeds 12, we will happily structure your training program to meet the needs of a larger audience. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.